Wegmans Cruelty: An Unofficial Blog

This is an unofficial blog and informational archive related to the WEGMANSCRUELTY film and resulting campaign.

Please see that page for more information.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Community Animal Project launches Wegmans Campaign

I would first like to thank Compassionate Consumers for producing Wegmans Cruelty. A few members now have been arrested as a result of showing people what Wegmans continues to deny.

Community Animal Project does not believe that exposing the truth should be considered a crime, nor do we believe that Wegmans should continue keeping hens in such deplorable conditions.

Wegmans has a great reputation for being a progressive supermarket. Last week, CAP sent Wegmans a letter requesting that they continue to act according to their reputation by doing away with their battery cages. We have asked that they stop using the misleading Animal Care Certified (a label the Better Business Bureau recommended be taken off products), and comply with the much more strict Certified Humane standards instead. Being that Wegmans owns their own egg farm, they have complete control over what standards they follow.

We are asking people to continue contacting Wegmans and ask that they stop using battery cages. They claim 'Every Day You Get Our Best.' Let's hold them accountable to that. If you send a letter, please attach a receipt to show that you are asking them to make changes as a customer. If you decide to boycott Wegmans, attach the receipt to make a statement showing them your last time you'll be shopping there.

CAP has spent the past month contacting activists in every city where Wegmans has a store. These activists are now educating people in their communities through screenings of Wegmans Cruelty, distributing literature, and handing out DVDs. Wegmans will soon know that it is not just people from a few cities who are appalled by the conditions on their farm.

We'll soon have enough support in every city to have a productive Day of Action against
Wegmans, where activists in every city 'host' a demo at the same time. October 1st from 11am-1pm will be the first time for this. We hope that you will join activists in your area and continue to pressure Wegmans into making much needed changes.

Please visit our website for great eggless recipes and for updates.


Shawn DeLeo
Community Animal Project


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