Wegmans Cruelty: An Unofficial Blog

This is an unofficial blog and informational archive related to the WEGMANSCRUELTY film and resulting campaign.

Please see that page for more information.

Friday, August 26, 2005

"Agriculture isn’t about food anymore.
It’s about new markets, new technologies ...and new risks.

The agriculture sector is going through technological upgrades at an unprecedented rate. Farms are becoming mini-industrial sectors, rather than simply a place to grow food…

  • Dairy herds are becoming completely automated
  • Manure and other waste products are being used to generate electricity
  • Corn is being converted to automotive fuel, rather than food

With agriculture becoming one of the new frontiers in technology, how long will it be until activists stop thinking 'quaint family farm' and start thinking 'nasty chemical/power plant?'

In many ways, it’s already started. Consider activist attacks like “The Meatrix” [or "Wegmans Cruelty"] or terminology like “factory farms” and “frankenfoods.”

Are you ready to be considered a corporate villain? Have you been complacently relying on adopted public trust and credibility? Step back and take a look – because that’s all about to change.

We can help. Something as simple as a communications audit or “Defending Good Science in Tough Times” training can make a positive difference for your organization.

Start building trust and credibility before the attacks come rolling in. Sign up for our “Defending Good Science” newsletter, but better yet, call us – we’d be happy to give you a ‘no b-s, straight-up opinion’ regarding your situation."


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